Why screen? When detected early enough, most skin cancers such as melanomas and basal cell carcinomas can be removed easily and are highly curable. If left untreated, skin cancer can spread quickly to other parts of your body. This makes it very important to have your skin checked regularly, if you are at high risk of developing skin cancers or have previously had them. While regularly checking your skin at home is important, a routine check with Mole Screen will pick up changes that cannot easily be seen.

Our services / how we can help

During your Mole Screen appointment, we will conduct a full body skin cancer check, using advanced dermoscopy to identify skin cancers (such as melanomas, basal cell carcinomas and other lesions) and pre-cancerous skin changes. If we detect anything harmful, you may not have to wait to have it removed. We can often remove small skin cancers or lesions as part of your visit.

When you visit us, you are always welcome to bring a friend or family member, or have one of the Centre’s nurses in the room with you, when you have your skin cancer check.

For more details about what you can expect during your appointment with Mole Screen, read our frequently asked questions or contact us today on 03 355 9119.



Dermoscopy is a technique used to see deeper into the skin to inspect moles and skin lesions. It allows us to detect any changes, even before the naked eye can see them. At Mole Screen, Dr Morrison uses a strong, hand-held magnifying device under a polarised light to view mole or skin lesion abnormalities. The abnormalities are then assessed to determine if the mole or skin lesion is harmless, at risk of developing into skin cancer, or is a cancer. Dermoscopy is a quick and painless procedure.

Digital Monitoring

Mole Screen also uses Short Term Digital Dermoscopy Imaging (SDDI) techniques to keep a close eye on skin changes and concerns. The technique involves capturing a series of dermoscopic images of moles over the course of three months. We use this imaging to monitor changes if we suspect a mole is potentially harmful but there is no evidence of skin cancer or melanoma requiring immediate biopsy.

Removal or Biopsy

Some sun damage spots or superficial basal cell carcinomas can be removed during your Mole Screen appointment with liquid nitrogen. Other moles or skin lesions may require a follow up appointment to be removed. We can also perform a soft tissue biopsy to take a small sample of a mole or skin lesion to see if it is cancerous.

Artificial Intelligence

At Mole Screen we use the latest mole scanning software powered by award winning Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms. DermEngine is the most advanced, web-based system for capturing, storing, and analysing skin spots and mole map images using AI to support in the evaluation of your skin lesions.

For more information download – How DermEngine supports patient care.pdf (this document will open in a new tab or window).

Total Body Photography

Total Body Photography and Mole Matching involves taking baseline and surveillance images of your skin using smart software that helps accurately recognise skin lesions, maps them to a 3D model and compares skin lesion mole maps over time. This mole mapping assists in the early detection of skin cancer by detecting new or changing lesions. This technology is particularly beneficial for high risk patients or those with a large number of moles to track.

What to Expect

For more information about Total Body Photography and Mole Matching, and how to prepare for your session, download – TBP What to Expect.pdf (this document will open in a new tab or window).

This short video will walk you through the Total Body Photography imaging procedure.

MoleScope App and Teledermatology

Our system integrates with the MoleScope app. This is a free to download app to your smartphone or tablet that can securely access your images anytime, mapped to a 3D model for easy reference.

There is also the option of sending your own images from home to Mole Screen for evaluation (tele dermatology). Images can be taken by “home dermoscopy” (download – Home Dermoscopy Imaging For Patients.pdf – this document will open in a new tab or window), or using a small dermoscopy device attached to your phone or tablet (sold separately), see www.molescope.com (this website will open in a new tab or window) for more information.

Our prices

Each consultation includes:
  • comprehensive full body skin cancer check with dermoscopy by a skin cancer doctor,
  • a skin cancer risk assessment,
  • individualised advice on skin cancer prevention and early detection,
  • discussion of skin lesion management options as required,
  • selected digital short term monitoring of low concern lesions
  • on the spot cryotherapy (freeze treatment) to remove superficial skin lesions as required.
  • optional Total Body Photography and Mole Matching
Adult  Child/Youth
Doctor examination + selected treatments / digital monitoring. 20-30mins $250 $130
Doctor examination + Total Body Photography. 30-45mins $350
Access to MoleScope app for your skin lesion record. Free

Are you worried about a mole or skin blemish?

Visit Mole Screen for local, affordable, expert advice